Join the VLDA community
Whether you are a dancer, an instructor or you're looking to get involved, membership with the VLDA keeps you in touch with an inclusive, friendly and supportive line dance community.
Prices below are for membership through to 30 June 2025
VLDA Memberships run from 1 July - 30 June. Pricing for 2025/26 is $45 for Professional and Non-Professional and $40 for Associates. Renewals invoices are sent in April of each year.
Professional Membership
Who's eligible?
Professional or semi-professional instructors holding classes in Victoria and retired instructors
Promote your classes on the VLDA website
Connect, learn and share dances at regular VLDA workshops
Discount on OneMusic licensing
Advertise socials & special events via newsletter & facebook
Member pricing for VLDA events
Vote in the VLDA Annual General Meeting
Non-Professional Membership
Who's eligible?
Victorian residents who wish to join the VLDA
Member discounts for VLDA events
Monthly newsletter with photos, news & upcoming dance events
Attend VLDA workshops free of charge
Access step sheets for VLDA workshops
Be an active part of the Victorian line dancing community
Vote in the VLDA Annual General Meeting
Associate Membership
Who's eligible?
Non-Victorian residents OR Victorian residents who only want to subscribe to the newsletter
Member discounts for VLDA events
Monthly newsletter with photos, news & upcoming dance events
Access step sheets for VLDA workshops
Be an active part of the Victorian line dancing community
Not eligible to vote in the VLDA Annual General Meeting