Get in touch

Considering line dancing for your next function or party?
Line dancing is a great social mixer that suits all ages, abilities and can be done to any style of music.
The VLDA can help you find a suitable instructor for your next corporate function, hens or bucks night, end of year party or regular theme event at your venue.
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!
Looking for an instructor for a new class or a special event? Have a general question?
Fill out the form below and we'll try to assist.
Looking for a class in your area?
Go to the FIND A CLASS PAGE and search by region
The Victorian Line Dance Association is dedicated to promoting the activity of line dancing and supporting those who teach this vibrant dance form.
We are a not-for-profit community Association and are governed by a set of Model Rules that outline the rules by which the Association is run.
Members are required to abide by the VLDA Code of Conduct and we encourage everyone to review our information on Dance Floor Etiquette.

Adrian Lefebour

Lu Olsen
Workshop Coordinator

Kevin Formosa

Diane Turnbull
Newsletter Editor

Mel Nelson

Stephen Paterson
Workshop & Ball Coordinator

Jess Hes

Cynthia Rennolds
Ball Coordinator

Sumi Sivalingam

Kaylene Pittaway